Gateway Crossings | City of Santa Clara
Environmental Impact Report
In July 2019, the Santa Clara City Council unanimously approved the 24-acre Gateway Crossings mixed-use project by Hunter Storm Development located at the southwest corner of Coleman Avenue and Brokaw Road. The project site is proximate to the City’s Caltrain station (and future BART extension) and Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport.
The project includes 1,565 residential units, a 225-room hotel, 45,000 square feet of retail space, and 2.6 acres of park space. As part of the project, approximately 7,500 square feet will be leased to the Santa Clara Police Activities League, a nonprofit organization that brings together police, neighborhood volunteers, and kids through sports.
The project site was part of a larger 93-acre property previously occupied by Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation (FMC Corporation), who produced armored personal vehicles among other things. At buildout, the former FMC property will include Avaya Stadium, the Coleman Highline mixed-use community (also by Hunter Storm Development), and the Gateway Crossings project. DJP&A completed the environmental review for the redevelopment of the entire FMC property.
Rendering courtesy of Hunter Storm Development and MVE + Partners
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