Proposals to develop the Broadway-Valdez corridor (also known as Auto Row) in Oakland surged after the approval of the Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan (BVSP) in July 2014. The one-mile stretch of properties along Broadway from Grand Avenue to Highway 580 is planned to transform from an area with many auto dealerships to a residential and commercial district.
The Broadway Residential High-Rise is a 24-story residential development proposed in the corridor at the corner of Broadway and 23rd Street. Consistent with the City’s vision for the Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan area, the development would include 223 residential units and up to 7,800 square feet of ground floor retail space. Project amenities include a rooftop garden, clubhouse, bike spa, dog spa, and fitness center.
Principal Will Burns, AICP and Principal Akoni Danielsen prepared the environmental review document for CEQA compliance. The project qualified for the community plan and qualified infill exemption requirements of CEQA, and an addendum to the Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report was prepared. The primary issues addressed in the document include wind, toxic air contaminants, and traffic.
- High-density infill development within ½-mile of BART
- Streamlined CEQA process
- Minimal scope and cost for traffic study