Sunnyvale Downtown Specific Plan | City of Sunnyvale
Program- and Project-level Environmental Impact Report
The City of Sunnyvale first adopted the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) in 2003 to guide future development in the heart of city. The Sunnyvale City Council adopted an update to the DSP in 2020 to create a vibrant mixed-use environment with places for people to live, work, and visit. The DSP Update allows increased density and facilitates redevelopment of six sites within the DSP commercial core area with approximately 840 residential units, 868,000 square feet of office uses, and 253,000 square feet of commercial uses.
DJP&A prepared a program- and project-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that evaluated the DSP Update and specific development proposals that would implement the DSP amendments. DJP&A worked closely with City staff to expertly manage the environmental review and ensure the intricacies and nuances between the proposed DSP update, multiple development proposals by separate developers, and development agreements were adequately covered in the EIR.