Program Environmental Impact Report
The Diridon Station Transit Center is a major transit hub that connects the Caltrain, Amtrak, VTA Light Rail, and Altamont Commuter Express rail lines with VTA bus lines in Downtown San José. In addition, the future Silicon Valley Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) extension and California High Speed Rail line will also converge at Diridon Station and spur further growth in the region. The Diridon Station Area Master Plan guides future development in a 500-acre area surrounding Diridon Station towards a more transit-oriented community with improved pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connectivity. The Plan calls for a diverse mix of residential, commercial, retail, recreational, and open space land uses throughout the area to create an active and vibrant environment surrounding the Station.
DJP&A prepared the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Master Plan. The complex PEIR analyzed the environmental impacts of developing large-scale projects in the area, including California High Speed Rail and a potential Major League Baseball Stadium, and ensuring that utility and infrastructure systems will be able to support future development. Part of what made the PEIR process challenging was the need to facilitate subsequent project-level environmental review while also accounting for potential changes to existing policy and regulatory documents, capital improvement projects, and private development proposals.
The Diridon Station Area Plan and PEIR were certified on June 17, 2014 after many years of dedicated effort. In combination with other monumental planning efforts such as the Envision San José 2040 General Plan, Santa Clara General Plan 2035, and Mountain View North Bayshore Precise Plan, DJP&A continues to be fundamental to the development of Silicon Valley. As the Valley continues to grow, DJP&A will continue to support the growth of the region through sound environmental analysis and consultation.
Images courtesy of: Richard Masoner (Flickr)
- Five year interagency coordination
- Complex analysis that accounts for unpredictable future conditions
- Careful assessment of project impacts to ensure local and regional growth while still protecting current business owners and residents
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