Portola Valley Town Center | Town of Portola Valley
Environmental Impact Report
The Town of Portola Valley has opened its long-awaited, redeveloped Town Center. The approximately 11-acre Town Center site plays an important role in the Town’s history dating back to the 1950’s when the site was developed as the Portola Elementary School.
The Portola Valley Town Center redevelopment project included the construction of a new 6,400 square foot town hall, 7,000 square foot library, 5,800 square foot community room, 2,500 square foot activity rooms, playground, athletic fields, and trails.
DJP&A prepared the EIR for the project, which accounted for the site’s use as an early modernist school during the postwar period, existing Woodside Fault trace onsite, and the existing open creek channel running through the site.
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