Mathilda Commons Office/R&D Development Project | City of Sunnyvale
Environmental Checklist for Streamlined Review
The City of Sunnyvale Planning Commission unanimously approved the Mathilda Commons Office/R&D development project proposed by J.P. DiNapoli Companies, Inc. in December 2016. DJP&A completed the environmental review for the project. DJP&A’s flexibility and attention to changes in the project and regulatory framework resulted in seamless environmental review process.
The Mathilda Commons project is one of the first development projects within the recently adopted Peery Park Specific Plan (PPSP) area, which encompasses approximately 450 acres in the northern portion of Sunnyvale. The Mathilda Commons project will construct two, four-story office buildings totaling approximately 316,400 square feet at the corner of North Mathilda Avenue and Del Ray Avenue. Approximately 34 percent of the site would consist of common outdoor amenity space. Other community benefits included in the project are a public transit center, art display zones, and bicycle amenities. The project would meet LEED Gold certification standards. It is anticipated that the project would be constructed by Fall 2018.
- Familiarity with project area and community concerns
- Flexibility with and adaptability to project changes
- Expertise on streamlined CEQA review
- Over 300,000 sf of office with community benefits
- One of the first developments within the Peery Park Specific Plan area
- LEED Gold certification