Environmental Impact Report
Levi’s Stadium is the new home of San Francisco’s renowned 49ers football team and the future site of Super Bowl 50 in 2016. After a long, storied history at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, the 49ers moved down the peninsula to Santa Clara, California in 2014. The new stadium is the first LEED Gold-certified football stadium in the United States and includes numerous sustainable features, such as: a 27,000 square foot green roof, the use of reclaimed water for field irrigation, and solar paneled pedestrian bridges and roof decks. DJP&A managed the environmental review for the entire project, which included the construction of the 68,500-seat stadium, a parking garage, relocation of an existing substation, and construction of a surface parking lot.
One of the main environmental issues for the Levi’s Stadium project was traffic and transportation. Our firm worked closely with the San Francisco 49ers, the City of Santa Clara, and the Valley Transportation Authority to minimize traffic and parking impacts during stadium events. Lead Project Manager Shannon George also presented the project’s environmental analysis at multiple Planning Commission and City Council hearings. The community interaction and stakeholder engagement fostered at these meetings ultimately led to a project that was supported by the local community. Principal Project Manager Akoni Danielsen also contributed to the success of this project. With his valuable input, the Environmental Impact Report for this project was delivered ahead of schedule and under-budget.
Images courtesy of: San Francisco 49ers, Jim Bahn (Flickr), and Chris Martin (Flickr)