Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
IKEA is a popular furniture retailer that was originally founded in Sweden but has since grown to more than 350 stores internationally. The store is known for its aesthetically pleasing yet inexpensive designs, and has become a household brand in homes around the world.
In 2001, DJP&A prepared a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the redevelopment of a 10.5-acre site next to the University Avenue/US 101 interchange with a 320,000 square foot IKEA retail store. While the approved Specific Plan for the site allowed “big box” retail uses, the proposed project exceeded the total square footage of the Specific Plan by 96,000 square feet and was substantially taller than the maximum building height allowed by the Specific Plan. As a result, a SEIR was required to analyze the environmental impacts of the additional development.
Due to its prominent location along US 101, traffic and parking impacts were carefully considered and mitigation measures were implemented to minimize impacts that would result from the project. In addition, population and housing impacts were also assessed because popular retail stores like IKEA could potentially attract residents into the area. The SEIR analyzed other impacts pertaining to air quality, site drainage (hydrology), and aesthetics; for each impact section, DJP&A coordinated with the City to reduce impacts as much as possible through a combination of design changes and mitigation measures.
Principal Project Manager Judy Shanley and Project Manager Demetri Loukas led the environmental review effort for the project. This IKEA opened with great fanfare in 2003 and, to this day, remains a popular shopping destination.
- Careful assessment of traffic and parking impacts due to the project’s location near the busy University Avenue/US 101 interchange
- Preparation of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
- 320,000-square foot retail building on a 10.5-acre site
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