Google Landings | City of Mountain View
Environmental Impact Report
Google is one of the world’s leading technology companies and employs over 114,000 employees in the Bay Area. With rapid growth in the last decade, Google is redeveloping many of its properties in the North Bayshore area of Mountain View to meet the demands of its expanding workforce.
DJP&A was hired by the City of Mountain View to complete the environmental review for the Google Landings project which included:
- A five-story, 799,482-square foot office building
- Separate four-level parking structure with 10,500 square feet of ground floor retail space
- A greenway and bridge over Permanente Creek
Extensive creek improvements, including reconstruction of the stream channel and revegetation of the creek banks, were also proposed by the project.
Because of the scale and location of the project within the North Bayshore area of Mountain View, key environmental and community concerns for the project included impacts to Permanente Creek, heritage tree removal, exposure of sensitive receptors to toxic air contaminants during construction, existing contamination from the North Bayshore Area Plume, traffic congestion, and utility infrastructure capacity. DJP&A coordinated closely with the City and numerous technical subconsultants throughout the environmental review process to ensure that mitigation measures and planned improvements identified in the North Bayshore Precise Plan SEIR adequately addressed the project’s impacts.
Image courtesy of: David J. Powers & Associates