David J. Powers & Associates, Inc. completed environmental review for two separate initiatives that were placed on the November 2016 ballot. Both initiatives focused on the future of the Vallco Shopping District Special Area (Vallco) in the City of Cupertino. Vallco is approximately 58-acres consisting of multiple parcels and is located at the intersections of N. Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard and N. Wolfe Road and Vallco Parkway. Vallco currently developed with the Vallco Shopping Mall. The environmental review completed by DJP&A was incorporated into the Election Code 9212 report for each initiative.
The Cupertino Citizens’ Sensible Growth Initiative proposed to remove the office and residential development allocations currently allowed at Vallco by the General Plan. The Initiative would result in a net decrease of 2.0 million square feet of office development and 146 dwelling units citywide. The Initiative also proposes to increase the maximum allowable building height in General Plan designated Neighborhoods (76 percent of the total City land area) from 30 to 45 feet.
The Vallco Town Center Specific Plan Initiative would adopt the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan (VTCSP) to govern the development of Vallco. The VTCSP provided for a mixed-use development of up to 800 residential units, 2.0 million square feet of office uses, 640,000 square feet of commercial uses, and 339 hotel rooms at Vallco. The VTCSP also allows the development of 50,000 square feet of public/civic space.
DJP&A worked closely with the City, City Attorney’s Office, and City consultants to complete the 9212 Reports. Ultimately, voters turned down both initiatives.
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