Santa Clara University (SCU) is one of the oldest institutions for higher education in California that is still in operation today. Founded in 1851, the university is comprised of six schools: the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education and Counseling Psychology, the SCU Leavey School of Business, the School of Engineering, the Jesuit School of Theology, and the School of Law. At the heart of the university is the historic Mission Santa Clara de Asis.
Like the City in which it is located, SCU is a thriving mix of history and modernity, where contemporary campus facilities are underlain by prehistoric cultural resources and multiple Mission sites. Since 2001, Shannon George has helped SCU prepare Environmental Impact Reports, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations, and other documents in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act for a variety of projects, including: its Soccer Complex and Baseball Stadium, 5-Year Development Plan, 10-Year Master Plan, Jesuit Housing Project, Kennedy Mall Commons Building, and Art/Art History Building. Judy Shanley also provided valuable assistance and quality assurance on many of the projects.
DJP&A is very familiar with localities throughout the Bay Area and has unparalleled expertise of environmental issues specific to a particular area. At SCU, Shannon’s skill and familiarity with cultural resources in the area allowed for an exceptionally efficient environmental review process that still effectively captured all the pertinent environmental issues.
- DJP&A’s unparalleled knowledge of local cultural resources at SCU allows for an efficient environmental review process
- Familiarity with the project site
Other Specialty Projects