Broadway Residential High-Rise | City of Oakland CEQA Analysis Proposals to develop the Broadway-Valdez corridor (also known as Auto Row) in Oakland surged after the approval of the Broadway Valdez District Specific Plan (BVSP) in July 2014. The one-mile stretch of...
The Pierce | City of San José Initial Study/Addendum Good mixed-use development does more than combine uses, it integrates compatible uses and amenities in a way that improves walkability and reduces the need for people to drive, all without sacrificing the...
Morgan Hill Downtown Specific Plan | City of Morgan Hill Master Environmental Impact Report “Strengthening Downtown as the gathering place, a connecting force, the social and activity heart of Morgan Hill, is the overriding aspiration of this Plan – a place...
Envision San José 2040 General Plan | City of San José Program Environmental Impact Report The Capital of Silicon Valley, San José is the third largest city in California and the tenth largest in the United States. While the City started from humble origins as a...