San José Public Library Branch Facilities Master Plan

San José Public Library Branch Facilities Master Plan | City of San José The San José Public Library Branch Facilities Master Plan, funded through a bond measure passed by the voters in November 2000, facilitated the construction of new and expanded library facilities...

San José Southside Police Substation

San José Southside Police Substation | City of San José Initial Study The City of San José passed the Neighborhood Security Act Bond Measure in 2002 to construct a new police substation. The City then purchased a 12-acre parcel from Hitachi Global Storage Technologies...

Portola Valley Town Center

Portola Valley Town Center | Town of Portola Valley Environmental Impact Report The Town of Portola Valley has opened its long-awaited, redeveloped Town Center. The approximately 11-acre Town Center site plays an important role in the Town’s history dating back to the...

Mathilda Commons Office/R&D Development Project

Mathilda Commons Office/R&D Development Project | City of Sunnyvale Environmental Checklist for Streamlined Review The City of Sunnyvale Planning Commission unanimously approved the Mathilda Commons Office/R&D development project proposed by J.P. DiNapoli...

Environmental Review for Election Code 9212 Reports

Environmental Review for Election Code 9212 Reports | City of Cupertino David J. Powers & Associates, Inc. completed environmental review for two separate initiatives that were placed on the November 2016 ballot. Both initiatives focused on the future of the...