David J. Powers & Associates, Inc. provides diverse environmental consulting services ranging from feasibility analyses and environmental review documents to permitting and compliance for a variety of private and public projects. The services we provide are listed below. Please see our Projects page for descriptions of recently completed projects.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance

  • Environmental Impact Reports
  • Initial Studies/ Negative Declarations
  • Categorical Exemptions
  • SB 375 Infill and other CEQA Streamlining
  • Mitigation, Monitoring, or Reporting Programs
  • California State Revolving Funds (CEQA-Plus)
  • Public Noticing
  • Mitigation Compliance Memos

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance

  • Environmental Impact Statements
  • Environmental Assessments/Findings of No Significant Impact
  • Categorical Exclusions
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development Environmental Assessments

Environmental Compliance

  • Caltrans Local Assistance
  • Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act
  • Section 4(f) Department of Transportation Act
  • Section 7 Endangered Species Act
  • Clean Air Act
  • Clean Water Act
  • Executive Order 11990 (Wetland Protection)
  • Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management)
  • Executive Order 12898 (Environmental Justice)


  • Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan Conformity and Land Cover Verification
  • Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404 Permits)
  • Federal Endangered Species Act (Section 7 Permits)
  • Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401 Certifications)
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Section 1600 Permits and 2081 Consistency Determinations)
  • Bay Conservation and Development Commission Permits

Project Analyses

  • Permit Assessments
  • Opportunities and Environmental Constraints Analyses
  • Feasibility and Alternatives Analyses
  • Community Impact/Environmental Justice Analyses
  • Election Code 9212 Environmental Analyses

Consulting Services

  • Public Outreach
  • Project Scoping
  • Interagency Coordination
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • City Council, Planning Commission, and Scoping Meeting Presentations
  • Community and Public Meeting Facilitation